• 227 Yale Avenue, Kensington, CA 94708 USA
  • Feel free to talk to us! 707-534-1583

On April 23-25, 2022 BAMM teamed up with San Francisco City Impact to provide care for the Tenderloin community through SFCI’s Adopt a Building program and a health screening for the students of San Francisco City Academy.

The team gathered on Saturday night, April 23rd at SFCI for a meal, team prep, and devotions (as well as games including a very eclectic version of Go Fish!). We slept at SFCI both nights we spent in the TL. On Sunday morning, we worshipped with the SFCI community at the San Francisco Worship Center located on the campus of City Academy on Jones St. After worship, we participated with SFCI’s Adopt a Building program.

a group creating art
a group photo with food

Adopt a Building (AAB) is a longstanding outreach to the Tenderloin’s many SRO’s (Single Room Only buildings – most are former hotels) which house a significant portion of the Tenderloin community. AAB volunteer team leaders take teams of volunteers to the same SRO every other Sunday to spend time with the residents, share food, and help address one of the primary challenges to health – loneliness. BAMM team members had opportunity to join several of these teams and minister with prayer, delivering food and connection through conversation. For more information on AAB, check out the SFCI website at www.sfcityimpact.com.

musicians union group photo
tenderloin community banner

On Monday, April 25th, the BAMM team, partnering with the amazing faculty of San Francisco City Academy, collaborated to provide health education and screening for the K-8 students of SF City Academy. Highlights were the excellent classroom sessions on nutrition and food choices as well as age appropriate and gender appropriate lessons on puberty and development. A clinic was set up in the library where students had opportunity to meet with a physician, have their heights and weights measured, as well as having their vision screened. Throughout the day, students were prayed over, cared for and respected as the young image bearers of God they are.

man speaking with a kid
girl having a check up
photo of two women
group photo
man speaking with a kid
photo of teenagers
photo of teenagers

We are hoping to participate in another health screening in February or March 2023 with SFCI. We are always looking for folks who would be interested in being a part of BAMM’s partnership with SFCI. If you’re interested, click on the ‘Join’ tab and let us know!